Keeping cigars and aging them appropriately requires proper storage, so cigar lovers spend a great deal of time and money storing, preserving, and aging their collections. Our line of thermoelectric cigar humidors is designed to meet the needs of both casual cigar lovers and dedicated aficionados.
Our temperature-controlled cigar humidors, powered by our thermoelectric cooling system, help keep cigars cool without the drying effect that is caused by compressor-based refrigeration systems. With this innovative solution, you can also ensure quality tobacco without the proliferation of pests.
At Whynter, our cigar humidors are whisper-quiet and energy-efficient. We ensure our lifestyle appliances do their job without affecting the ambiance of your home.
We at Whynter want to help you upgrade your life. With our 15 years of manufacturing and selling lifestyle appliances, we are confident in the quality and longevity of our thermoelectric cigar humidors. Browse our lineup and find the cigar humidor that best fits your needs today.